Perseid Meteor Shower

Stayed up until midnight to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower but it became too cloudy and overcast by the coast. Couldn’t see any sky.

Chili’s For Appetizers and Dessert

Went to Chili’s with my mom, Tommy and Alex for some desserts, but started off instead with a couple of appetizers.

San Diego Chargers Practice

Went down with Tommy, Alex and Stephen to watch the San Diego Chargers run some practice drills at their training center.

Neighbor’s Dog Georgia Doing Much Better

Georgia, our neighbor’s dog that we thought was dying a few days ago, is inexplicably doing much better and close to being back to her old self.

Evening At Starbucks

On the first night of my brother’s visit, four of us went to Starbucks for coffees, hot chocolates and a lot of laughs.

Bigboote and Alex Arrival and Dinner

My brother Tommy and his son Alex arrived today for a few day stay with us.

Another Skink

Found another beautiful young skink just outside our garage back door.

Nice Relaxing Morning at the Zoo

Spent the morning at the San Diego Zoo, first alone, then with Mary and Diana, and finally with them and Mary’s mother Jackie for lunch.

Seaport Village With Friends

Had dinner and walked around Seaport Village with Randy, Sylvia, Rodrigo, Mary and Diana.

Walking Harbor Drive With Randy

Walked up and down Harbor Drive with Randy before meeting friends for dinner at Seaport Village.

My Mom’s Pre-Op Appointment

Took my mom to her pre-op appointment for her hand surgery next week.

Infiniti Towed Again

Our Infiniti wouldn’t start this morning so we had to call AAA to get it towed over to Tune Craft. I know that Infiniti makes good, reliable cars, but this one has turned out to be a real money pit.

Bike Ride Along Harbor Drive with the Tapias

Had a nice eight mile ride with Sylvia and Rodrigo on another perfect San Diego day. This time we rode along Harbor Drive from the USS Recruit at Liberty Station north of the airport, past the Star of India downtown and turning back at the USS Midway. Had lunch at Los Primos Mexican Food back at Liberty Station.

Georgia In The Front Yard

Georgia had not gotten worse overnight. But she still is not doing well.

Georgia Not Doing Well

Was across the street for a while this evening spending some time with Georgia, one of the dogs I watch when I house-sit. She was on the front yard grass, weak and having difficulty breathing. Liz and Tammy are not sure she’ll make it through the night.

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