House No More

Watched the House retrospective as well as the series finale with some sadness because of how much I really enjoyed this show. I will absolutely miss this series.

With the retrospective, it’s always cool to see the natural interaction between the actors when they’re not performing on camera. I’m glad they interviewed as many cast members as they did and showed so many of the behind-the scenes people. Seems like the entire cast and crew truly appreciated each other.

As far as the finale itself, knowing the character of House for all these years, the ending did not surprise me in the least. I’m actually glad they wrote the show out this way. I was really happy to see them bring back so many previous cast members, although I was disappointed at how brief Amber Tamblyn’s role was. My favorite episodes have always revolved around House’s subconscious, and because of the exceptionally honest writing, this finale did not disappoint.

This is one show I am really sorry to see go, but it’s been a great eight years.

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