First Time At Stephen And Jeri’s

Today our family was invited over to my nephew, Stephen, and his girlfriend, Jeri’s, apartment for a quick tour and snack social. The inside reminded me a lot of my first solo studio apartment in La Mesa. There was one large room that was both living room and dining area, a nice, open kitchen area, a good sized sleeping area and a small bathroom just inside the front door.

Almost immediately they told us they had something very important to announce. We thought they would tell us that they were engaged, but instead they surprised us all by telling us that Jeri was pregnant. Luckily, I knew right away that it was an April Fool’s joke, but some of my family thought it was genuine. I was actually a bit disappointed when I realized it wasn’t true.

For snacks we had crackers, cheeses, fruit slices and wine, and for entertainment we played one round of Scattergories.

Even though we only stayed for about half an hour (because of another engagement), it was a really nice visit and I look forward to the next time I go over.

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