Final Morning At Heather’s

Without getting into the traumatic aviary events of this morning involving Kevin and Olive, I did have some quality bonding time with both Gordon and Theo. I tired to explain to them why I was leaving after the few days of our fun-filled rabble rousing. I also had some fun with Lauren’s letters. Messing with things is fun.


    • Heather on February 23, 2012 at 17:58
    • Reply

    “Kevin Also” is settling in nicely and enjoys his new girlfriend. They share the nest at night.

    Poor Gordon!

    Gorgeous kitties I have.

    How long did you move the letters around to get a word?

    1. Nice to know that Kevin Also and Olive are getting along so well. I still cringe about it. Do they share your last name? Do all your pets?

      Gordon was the one who made the first move! He might be gay. Or just bi-curious.

      They are model cats. Gordon is very photogenic.

      I didn’t want to waste time trying to figure out words (I had birds to release!) so I Googled an anagram website and input her name. Cheating, I know, but a time-saver.

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