Category: Fauna

House/Dog/Cat Sitting For The Neighbors

Spent the night across the street house-sitting and taking care of their three dogs and eight cats while they were overnighting in Laguna Beach.

The Tapias’ Stray Guest

Sylvia and Rodrigo took care of this little stray puppy named Casper until their neighbor saw the “lost” signs that Sylvia made and posted in the neighborhood and came over to claim it.

My Animal Photo Book

Yesterday I received the reprints of the photo book I had printed for my gallery exhibit in New Mexico last December. While the book itself was flawless, just like the first run prints, the cover jacket was poorly printed with the text hardly readable. I called them and they told me they would have to …

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Another Multi-Butterfly Day

Three more butterflies emerged today. Two were nice and healthy but unfortunately one was underdeveloped so badly that I don’t think it will last more than a day or two at the most.

Another Four Butterfly Day

Took pictures of four more Monarch Butterflies emerging from their chrysalises. That’s two straight days with four butterflies coming out. At one point I had two clinging to my left hand as I took pictures with my right. Looks like tomorrow will be a third straight day with four more going to emerge. That will …

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Monarch Butterfly Day

Took pictures of four Monarch Butterflies that all emerged from their chrysalises today. One I took pictures of as it emerged.

Witnessed the Parade of Flamingos

While walking around SeaWorld I also got to join in with the Parade of the Flamingos.

Walking At SeaWorld Again

Went for an hour-long walk around SeaWorld with my mom and saw Buster the tortoise again, this time petting him as well as anyone can pet a tortoise, and visited Spock’s burial site.

Walkin’ At SeaWorld

Walked around SeaWorld with my mom for some exercise. Watched some Penguins being fed in front of a new mural painted onto the Penguin Encounter, and for the first time I saw keepers walking a 20 something year old Sulcata Tortoise named Buster.

Across The Street

Spent the night across the street house-sitting and taking care of three dogs and eight cats for the neighbors.

Giant Beetle!

I have never seen such a giant beetle outside of a museum collection or zoo.  My mom found it in one of the flower pots in the backyard.  It seemed like it was very old and possibly dying. I transferred it to a larger pot and took some pictures. It did its best to hide …

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Roses and Larvae

Worked on photos I took of my mom’s roses and of some tiny, freshly-hatched Monarch Butterfly larvae that I had to transport from a plumeria plant to a milkweed.

Monarch Larva Transforming Into Chrysalis

This morning I spent two hours patiently taking pictures of a hanging yellow and black Monarch larva transform into a shiny green chrysalis.

Lizard Couple

Came across this lizard couple today. Male on the left, very pregnant female on the right.

Penguin Experience at SeaWorld San Diego

Got to pet a Magellanic Penguin and go inside the 27 degree Penguin Encounter exhibit.

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