Category: Fauna

California Root Borer Beetle

Found another giant beetle (dead) in our neighbor’s backyard and after cleaning all the ants off of it brought it back home to photograph. It’s a male California Root Borer or California Prionus.

Seven Squirrels

Watched seven squirrels play under a bird feeder in our backyard today.

Dog and Cat Sitting

Spent last night across the street watching the neighbor’s house, cats and dogs.

SLUG! Green One!

A Green Fruit Beetle in our backyard.

Neighbor’s Dog Georgia Doing Much Better

Georgia, our neighbor’s dog that we thought was dying a few days ago, is inexplicably doing much better and close to being back to her old self.

Another Skink

Found another beautiful young skink just outside our garage back door.

Nice Relaxing Morning at the Zoo

Spent the morning at the San Diego Zoo, first alone, then with Mary and Diana, and finally with them and Mary’s mother Jackie for lunch.

Georgia In The Front Yard

Georgia had not gotten worse overnight. But she still is not doing well.

Georgia Not Doing Well

Was across the street for a while this evening spending some time with Georgia, one of the dogs I watch when I house-sit. She was on the front yard grass, weak and having difficulty breathing. Liz and Tammy are not sure she’ll make it through the night.

San Diego Zoo with Mary and Diana

Spent a large portion of today at the Zoo, most of it with Mary and Diana.

Deceased Daddy Longleg

Took some macro shots of a recently deceased Daddy Longleg that I found on my bathroom floor.

A Second Day of Capturing Hummingbirds Feeding

Spent about half an hour and shot over a hundred pictures of feeding hummingbirds.

Hummingbird Feeding

Got some shots of a couple of Hummingbirds feeding in the late afternoon light.

Killer Whales at SeaWorld

Stopped at the Killer Whales while walking around SeaWorld with my mom. Here, four of them are swimming laps upside down.

Walking At SeaWorld, San Diego

Went for a walk at SeaWorld with my mom and cheersed to Spock. Also saw a baby rabbit eating leaves inside a flower bed.

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