October 14, 2011 archive

Visit From A Pacific Treefrog

Found a Pacific Treefrog on the rim of one of our flowerpots this evening. He was kind enough to let me get within a couple of inches of him so I could get a few macro shots.  Went back a few minutes later and he was gone. I think he may have been looking for …

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Slammed At Denny’s

Had me a great French Toast Slam for breakfast this morning with my mom. Our waitress, Steph, had a great attitude and was always on top of things. What made the whole meal even better was that they had decorated the restaurant for Halloween. Pretty good way to start my day.

Stephen Fry Channeling John Cleese

Splendid albeit abbreviated lesson on language tolerance by the brilliant Stephen Fry.

Better Moon

Got up much earlier than yesterday for an attempt to capture a richer image of an almost full Moon. Still not as sharp as I like but much better than yesterday’s image. Time to move on.

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