Walking Balboa Park

Had an hour between the Natural History Museum closing and the Wyatt Earp presentation this evening so I walked around Balboa Park taking pictures at the Museum of Man, the Alcazar Gardens and the “Laguna de las Flores” in front of the Botanical Building. There are more than 20,000 trees in Balboa Park, some which are close to one hundred years old. Just saying the oxygen is pretty good there.

( p a r k   p i c s )


    • Beata on September 21, 2011 at 10:13
    • Reply

    Every Friday evening when I’m down there for our dance class, I think about how incredibly lucky we are to have this beautiful Park … freely accessible to all of us.

    1. It is an incredible place to walk around in. Especially at night with all the cool lighting. Can’t wait till the cars are gone and it turns back into a pedestrian mall.

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