January 21, 2011 archive

Nest For Humming

Over the last few days a Hummingbird has been building a nest just outside of my bathroom window, and I am not worried about being judged.

New Flying Friends

Had three Monarch Butterflies emerge today, two of which were hidden surprises until now. One unfortunate flapper will never be able to fly properly due to wing deformation, probably from being scrunched up inside it’s pupa for so long because of the slower than normal development from all the cold weather and run-on sentences we’ve …

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RAMped Up My iMac

The additional memory I ordered from OWC arrived today, and after installing it in less than five minutes, bumped up my computer’s RAM from 4GB to 8GB. Angry Birds, you have been warned.

New Groupon Deal I Can Actually Use

Purchased today’s Groupon deal for a guided tour of the locally-famous Marston House and Gardens.

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